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Fernando Soldevilla, El año político (Madrid: 1896-1928). I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Lois Barr of Northwestern University, to the University of Kentucky Research Fund, and to the staff of the Newberry Library for their assistance in enabling me to consult El año político. (N. del A.)



Berkowitz (pp. 402-03) erroneously gives the date of the meeting as December 1913. The stages, as given by Soldevilla, of Alfonso's successful charming of Republican paladins are: April 30, 1910, Alfonso's reception of Altamira, the defection of Morote to the monarchists; January 1912, the King's commutation of the death penalty of those sentenced to death in Cullera; December 1912, Alfonso's exclusion of the Conservatives from power; January 1913, Melquíades Álvarez' praise of the King, Alfonso's warm reception of Azcárate, Cossío, and Cajal; June 1913, Melquíades Álvarez' and Azcárate's eulogies of the monarch, the defection -including that of Galdós- of moderate Republicans from the Conjunción; January 7, 1914, Galdós' interview with the King (and Soldevilla stresses the presence of Azcárate in the Theater); June 5, 1915, the Republican senator Labra's visit to the Palace; August 11, 1915, Galdós' reception at the Magdalena Palace; December 8, 1915, Melquíades Álvarez' first visit to the Palace. (N. del A.)



Berkowitz summarizes the speech on p. 385. His dating of the speech is erroneous in the text, correct in the footnote. (N. del A.)



The entire letter is printed by Luis Antón del Olmet, Galdós (Madrid, 1912), pp. 114-18, and by Madariaga, pp. 316-18. (N. del A.)



The entire text is given by Madariaga, pp. 318-20. (N. del A.)



For Galdós' praise of socialism, see also Antón del Olmet, p. 111. (N. del A.)



For more details of this meeting, see Blanquat, p. 145. (N. del A.)



H. Chonon Berkowitz, La biblioteca de Benito Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas, 1951), p. 199. Alexandre Zviguilsky also reported having seen two letters from Turgenev to Galdós, «Tourguéniev et Galdós», Revue de Littérature Comparée, 41 (1967), 119. These letters have since disappeared; Zviguilsky and I have both searched for them without success. (N. del A.)



Prof. Chamberlin is pleased to thank his former teacher, Sam F. Anderson (Univ. of Kansas) for valuable help with this translation. (N. del A.)



In the last three numbers of Vestnik Evropy (European Messenger) for 1883 I published a translation of one of Galdós' best novels, El amigo [sic]. (N. del A.)
