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«Yet Another View of Galdós' Miau», REH, 12 (1978), 9. (N. del A.)



Ibid., p. 12. (N. del A.)



Pérez Galdós: Miau, Critical Guides to Spanish Texts (London: Grant and Cutler and Tamesis Books, 1978), 69. In his review of this excellent Critical Guide, E. A. Southworth regretted that Dr. Rodgers did not have the space to take his examination of the role of Luisito further still: MLR, 74 (1979), 969. (N. del A.)



According to A. H. Maslow and B. Mittelmann, in Principles of Abnormal Psychology (New York: Harper, 1941), 523-26, hallucinations in which a patient may hear God talking to him are characteristic of epilectics. In the character of Luisito, Galdós may be reflecting a prevailing mid-nineteenth century psychological bias in implicitly ascribing his illness to hereditary causes. His mother, aunt, and grandfather are all afflicted by some sort of mental ailment. According to M. Gordon, «The Medical Background to Galdós' La desheredada», AG, 7 (1972), 67, the French aliéniste, B. A. Morel, held that «as the hereditary progression continued, it also tended to get worse, so that the grandson or great-grandson of a mildly neurotic person was quite likely, if the progression were not arrested by adequate mental treatment, to be born an epilectic or even an imbecile». Galdós' interest in abnormal psychology is well known: see Rafael Bosch, «La sombra y la psicopatología de Galdós», AG, 6 (1971), 21-42; Fernando Bravo Moreno, Síntomas de la patología mental que se hallan en las obras literarias de Benito Pérez Galdós (Barcelona: Santa Cruz, 1923); S. H. Eoff, The Novels of Pérez Galdós (Saint Louis: Washington University Studies, 1954); and Carlos Clavería, «Sobre la veta fantástica en la obra de Galdós», Atlante, 1 (1953), 78-86 and 136-43. (N. del A.)



All references are to the text as edited by Ricardo Gullón, 3rd ed. (Puerto Rico: Editorial Universitaria, 1976). Henceforth all page-references will be inserted in the text. The second set of references is to vol. II of the Aguilar edition of Galdós' Novelas, 1st ed., 2nd printing (Madrid, 1975). (N. del A.)



Pérez Galdós: Miau, 55. (N. del A.)



Vida y obra, 96. (N. del A.)



Galdós, novelista moderno, 344. (N. del A.)



«The Meaning of Miau», 30. See also Joseph Schraibman, Dreams in the Novels of Galdós (New York: Hispanic Institute, 1960), 68-70. (N. del A.)



«The Question of Responsibility in Galdós' Miau», AG, 6 (1971), 64. (N. del A.)
