Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.


There is no dearth of good, general studies on the nature of pastoral. A handful of the best follows: Helen Cooper, Pastoral: Mediaeval into Renaissance (Ipswich and Totowa, N. J.: D. S. Brewer Ltd. and Rowman and Littlefield, 1977); William Leonard Grant, Neo-Latin Literature and the Pastoral (Chapel Hill: North Carolina UP, 1965); Renato Poggioli, The Oaten Flute: Essays on Pastoral Poetry and the Pastoral Ideal (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1975); Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, The Green Cabinet: Theocritus and the European Pastoral Lyric (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: California UP, 1969); Harold E. Toliver, Pastoral Forms and Altitudes (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: California UP, 1971).



With all due respect to the opinions expressed by Francisco López Estrada in Los libros de pastores en la literatura española; La órbita previa (Madrid: Gredos, 1974), I have no qualms about using the terms «novel» and «romance» to refer to what he prefers to label «libros de pastores».



First included as part of the Epístolas familiares (Valladolid: Juan de Villaquirán, 1539), the Menosprecio de corte y alabanza de aldea was not issued separately until the Juan Gracián edition at Alcalá de Henares, 1592. See the introduction to the modern edition, Matías Martínez Burgos, ed., «Clásicos Castellanos» 29 (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1967).



The artifice associated with the enchanted palaces of these novels is the object of a pair of studies: Gustavo Correa, «El templo de Diana en la novela de Jorge de Montemayor», Thesaurus (Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá) 16 (1961): 59-76, and Francisco Márquez Villanueva, «Los joyeles de Felismena», Revue de Littérature Comparée 52 (1978): 267-78.



The interpolated stories in the Quijote have been the object of too many studies to detail here. As a point of departure, I refer the reader to the pioneering study of J. B. Avalle-Arce, «Una tradición literaria: el cuento de los dos amigos», Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica II (1957): 1-35. A revised version of this study appears as «El cuento de los dos amigos. (Cervantes y la tradición literaria. Primera perspectiva)», in Nuevos deslindes cervantinos (Barcelona: Editorial Ariel, 1975) 155-211.



See W. Atkinson, «Studies in Literary Decadence. III. The Pastoral Novel», Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 4 (1927): 117-26 and 180-86, and S. K. Heninger, Jr., «The Renaissance Perversion of Pastoral», Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (1961): 254-61.



In Virgilian pastoral, critics have long noted the presence of social and historical realities disguised under the pastoral cloak. See, for example: Frank Russell Hamblin, The Development of Allegory in the Classical Pastoral (Menasha, Wis., 1928); Michael C. J. Putnam, Virgil's Pastoral Art: Studies in the Eclogues (Princeton: UP, 1970), and Charles Segal, Poetry and Myth in Ancient Pastoral: Essays on Theocritus, and Virgil (Princeton: UP, 1981).



Antonio de Lofrasso, Los diez libros de Fortuna de amor (Barcelona: Pedro Malo, 1573). All references to this work will include the abbreviated title Fortuna, and will cite the appropriate folio numbers in parentheses. I have modernized the orthography in all quotes. On the judgement passed on this work during the famous escrutinio of the Quijote (I, 6), as well as the negative opinions of Menéndez Pelayo and Hugo Rennert, I refer the reader to J. B. Avalle-Arce, La novela pastoril española, 2nd ed. (Madrid: Ediciones Istmo, 1974) 176-78.



See, for example, Fernando de Herrera, Obras de Garcilaso con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera (Sevilla: Alonso de la Barrera, 1580) 405-407. Due to an error in pagination, the pages cited were printed as 504 and 507. There is a modern facsimile edition of the work available: Antonio Gallego Morell, ed., «Clásicos Hispánicos», Series I, Vol. VII (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1973).



On violence in the pastoral novel, see: Barbara Mujica, «Violence in the Pastoral Novel from Sannazaro to Cervantes», Hispano-Italic Studies I (1976): 39-55; the same author's «Antiutopian Elements in the Spanish Pastoral Novel», Kentucky Romance Quarterly 26 (1979): 263-82, and John T. Cull, «Further Aspects of Violence in the Spanish Pastoral Novel», in El tema de la violencia en las literaturas Hispánicas, ed. Juan Cruz Mendizábal, (Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hispanic Literatures at IUP) (Indiana, PA: University, 1984) 58-68.