Véase a este respecto: «The Violence of Rhetoric. Considerations on Representation and Gender», in The Violence of Representation. Literature and the History of Violence. London and New York: Routledge, 1989, pp. 239-158.
Traduzco libremente de la cita Joel Black. The Aesthetics of Murder. A Study in Romantic Literature and Contemporary Culture. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, p. 34.
Citado por Joel Black. The Aesthetics of Murder. A Study in Romantic Literature and Contemporary Culture. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, p. 35.
«To have an answer for ones right to be, not in relation to the abstraction of some anonimous law, some legal entity, but in fear for the other. My being-in-the-world or 'my place in the sun', my home -have they not being the usurpation of places belonging to others already oppressed by me or starved, expelled to a Third World: rejecting, escluding, exiling, despoiling, killing. "My place in the sun", said Pascal, "the begining and the archetype of the usurpation of the entire world. Fear for all that my existence -despite its intentional and concious innocence- can accomplish in the way of violence and murder"»
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 23).
Jacques Derrida. L'écriture et la différence. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1967, p. 189.
Véase a este respecto: Experience and Judgment. Evanston: Norwestern University Press, 1973, p. 374 in passim.
Publicado originalmente en 1949 bajo el título Les structures élémentaires de la parenté, Lévi-Strauss presenta la hipótesis de que hay una relación entre las estructuras mentales de las personas y las estructuras del parentesco, del comportamiento social y de los objetos. Véase a este respecto el capítulo VII de dicho tratado.
Véase a este respeto sus Selected Writings V. On verse, Its Masters and Explorers. The Hague, Paris and New York: Mouton, 1981, pp. 3-121.
Véase Viktor Shklovsky, Theory of Prose. Elmwood Park: Dalkey Archive Press, 1990, pp. 147-170.
Para más información sobre este tema véase el libro de Nicasio Urbina, La estructura de la novela nicaragüense: análisis narratológico. Managua: Anamá, 1996.